Monday 6 December 2010

My Travel Is Coming Soon ! =D

I'm gonna go Sibu Tomorrow ...
At the Morning's Plane ...
Fly to KK , and rest ...
Than at the afternoon BARU go to Sibu...


I must Take Many Picture gehh =p
Excited !

when Merry X'mas ...
I'll Go to Xing Xing ...
To celebrate X'mas with them =))

Long time din see them , miss them !
and i'll miss my Best Friend : Yumi Kadoma =)
Love eu ~

And my Lao po = Jovy =)
Love eu too...
mmmuaaaccckkksss ...

I'll buy present GIVE YOU 2 de ~

and I hope when Christmas we can out to take our Christmas's dinner...

i miss her ... =)
[ Yumi Kadoma ]

My Liang Moi Lao po ... =)
[ Jovy ]

:: I'll miss eu guyss....lao po,dun naughty yaa~later me jelous =(
and yumi , u spend me eat dinner ya,u earned many money liao...
haha ~
i will buy Christmas gift to eu de...
muuacckkssss ...
say Goodbye to the Tawau ...
say Hi to the Sarawak ...

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