Saturday 18 December 2010

wwuuhhuu ,,, i meet them ,,, Happy !!

I alwayss miss them ....
Many memoriess of them still have been in my mind ..

Just now , after church ....
I go to upstair ....
B'coz i dunoe why many people at upstair ...
When I STEP inside the church ~
I have Shock a While ...
Almost Cry!!
I wanna scream ! They're Back ...
and my Cutie  tOO ~
Miss eu !!
Muuuaacckkss ....
aarrgghh ,,, still till now , i can't forgot just now tat feeling !

I just can talk a while wif them ....
B'coz Car No Wait People d....
haizz ~
haha ..
But they din so early Back Serudung !
Happy ...
Today is my Happy Dayy !!!
Next week ...
I have been back Sing Sing ...
To celebrate christmass wif them ...
me oso long time din saw them olrr ....
Miss them oso ~

haha ....
So Happy !!

Hope Tomorrow Can See Them Oso !!
Thankss God !!

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