Friday 31 December 2010

HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! 2011 ~

Actually just now i go my frend's house ...
hehe ~
after arrived there ...
I saw still got some food for eat ...
Yeeppeee ... B'coz i'm hungry !!!
After eat , thn go upstair to standby and see 烟花 !!
we all so SHOCK !! all scream !!!
wwuuuhhhhuuuuuu  ~~~~~~~~~~~~  !!!!
and the 烟花 sikit burn dao uss ..
Luckily not ~
And now i hope when Reopen school , can happy and meet my lovely babess ...
Then Back home ...
huh ~ luckily got car back home , if not ... i think i will stay at Wuzai's house liaoo ...
Actually Tis is my 1st time tat countdown the 2010's last moment wiith frendsss ...
I'm felt happy and almost wanna cry ...
When backing home .. i told hui hui 
after i say tat sentence , i feel wanna cry ...
But it's nothing .... =))
haiizzz ,..
I promise myself wanna to forget all the bad thingss in 2010 ... !!
I will do it !!!

Finally i wanna say ::


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