Sunday 2 January 2011

My 1st Post at 2011 ...
haha ...

so ....
Tomorrow is reopen school , so glad can see my babess ...
hehe =)
Miss eu all laa ~
Just now go Eastern wif Cordelia & her BF ...
And when we passed by the CHINESE CHIKEN'S SHOP , i saw her with a guy ...
iisshh ...
and i heared her sound tim ...
she make her sound like baby's sound ...
iisshh , childish !!
chicken jiu shi chicken ...
and wif her tat guy , in my memoriess ...
i think i have been saw him b'fore ...
( my feel ) ...
 IIISSHHH ~ dun talk about tat bitch !! ><
Tomorrow ~ so excited ...
But , angry is ....
wan go buy book byself wahh ....
(selfservice mehh ...) 
haiz ~ 
if early buy then good lorr ...
can pack it beautifully ...
Then tomorrow no need bring a big bag go to school lorr ...
And i have been prepared all my school thing ...
Just need wait 14 hours then ok lerr ...
ahahha ...
and i hope i can get a pretty markss in my PMR !!
God Bless ...

Till now still dunoe wan go whose house to stay ...
Yesterday my mum say go my cousin's house to stay ...
And yesterday again , she say go another cousin'e house again ...
huh ~ actually i wan alone at home @@
Really ...

And now , i'm missing my youngest bro - SIMON
how are you recently ?? 
Hope u can find a work that match with you ...
and after earn many money , dun 4rget to buy some present to me ...
or gve me ang pau oso can d ...
haha ...


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