Friday 14 January 2011

adui ~

sorry蛤~可能tittle很ngam我的心情呱 ~
那里知道 ...
不可以讲是谁 ...
今天是开学的第二个星期的第五天 ...
我 ...

Sunday 2 January 2011

My 1st Post at 2011 ...
haha ...

so ....
Tomorrow is reopen school , so glad can see my babess ...
hehe =)
Miss eu all laa ~
Just now go Eastern wif Cordelia & her BF ...
And when we passed by the CHINESE CHIKEN'S SHOP , i saw her with a guy ...
iisshh ...
and i heared her sound tim ...
she make her sound like baby's sound ...
iisshh , childish !!
chicken jiu shi chicken ...
and wif her tat guy , in my memoriess ...
i think i have been saw him b'fore ...
( my feel ) ...
 IIISSHHH ~ dun talk about tat bitch !! ><
Tomorrow ~ so excited ...
But , angry is ....
wan go buy book byself wahh ....
(selfservice mehh ...) 
haiz ~ 
if early buy then good lorr ...
can pack it beautifully ...
Then tomorrow no need bring a big bag go to school lorr ...
And i have been prepared all my school thing ...
Just need wait 14 hours then ok lerr ...
ahahha ...
and i hope i can get a pretty markss in my PMR !!
God Bless ...

Till now still dunoe wan go whose house to stay ...
Yesterday my mum say go my cousin's house to stay ...
And yesterday again , she say go another cousin'e house again ...
huh ~ actually i wan alone at home @@
Really ...

And now , i'm missing my youngest bro - SIMON
how are you recently ?? 
Hope u can find a work that match with you ...
and after earn many money , dun 4rget to buy some present to me ...
or gve me ang pau oso can d ...
haha ...


Friday 31 December 2010

HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! 2011 ~

Actually just now i go my frend's house ...
hehe ~
after arrived there ...
I saw still got some food for eat ...
Yeeppeee ... B'coz i'm hungry !!!
After eat , thn go upstair to standby and see 烟花 !!
we all so SHOCK !! all scream !!!
wwuuuhhhhuuuuuu  ~~~~~~~~~~~~  !!!!
and the 烟花 sikit burn dao uss ..
Luckily not ~
And now i hope when Reopen school , can happy and meet my lovely babess ...
Then Back home ...
huh ~ luckily got car back home , if not ... i think i will stay at Wuzai's house liaoo ...
Actually Tis is my 1st time tat countdown the 2010's last moment wiith frendsss ...
I'm felt happy and almost wanna cry ...
When backing home .. i told hui hui 
after i say tat sentence , i feel wanna cry ...
But it's nothing .... =))
haiizzz ,..
I promise myself wanna to forget all the bad thingss in 2010 ... !!
I will do it !!!

Finally i wanna say ::


2011 COMING SOON !!♥

新年快乐 !!!

wuuhhuu ....
2011 is coming soon ~
Please !!
Throw away all sad , unhappy , unlucky & bad things ...
Welcome The Happiness 2011 !!!
Have fun !!


Tuesday 28 December 2010

Wuhhuu ...

快要开学了,哪里可以习惯早睡早起 !!
我的娘啊 ~~

算啦 ...
我刚刚就弄了一个新的ID ...
YAHOO 的...
for ~ flash player 的...
我忘了密码了啦 ...

就直接去我堂姐家 ...
哈哈 ...
好呗 ~
掰 ~


Monday 27 December 2010

At the midnight ...

Till now ...
I still infront of computer ...
Playing fb & listening my favourite music ...
Now I'm boring , tat's why i writing my bloggy ...
Actually i dunoe wat can i do ...
A bit sleepy oso didn't have ...
Just Now i have Cleaned My house ...
So happy ...
And clean too ...
'Mao su zuo' ...

Last nite i have saw tat guy !
A guy who alwayss call gurlss to sms him in FB !!
Guy !! You're suckss & ... SHIT !!
Go away !!
Xiu Xiu Xiu ~ !!!
And i saw a guy tat I Hate !!
Is XXX !!
Issshh ....
Don't Think Too much laa ...

Mooding ...

I have think ...
If i was grew up ...
I wan go alone to KL ...
Alone to pass my life ...
Tat's feel good ...
Alone to see Movie , Alone shopping ...
No oness Know me ...

Alone stay in a small house ...

Or go to TAIWAN ~
There Not bad too ...

If my frend wannt accompany me to go ...
I oso ok de ...
hehee =)
I Just wan to feel , how a ppl stay alone's feel ...

HI =)

Hi =)
long time ago i din come to update my bloggy ...
Buzy , know //!!
haha ..

Okaayy ...
Say My Tawau's holiday life 1st ...
Last Saturday , I have been go to Sing En ...
To celebrate Christmass with them ...
Haha ...

I'm so happy can saw My Lovely frendss at there !!
The most i miss is Sabelohh ...
haha ...
But , tat day he's bot at there =((
sad ...
I melt his sister ...

So ...
Just now finish ate my dinner wif family ...
Then immediately go to my aunti house to see my grandma ...
She's sick ="((
Wish u can good back , grandma ...

actually tomorrow my 2nd bro wan go KK olrr ...
And i feel wan to buy clothesss ...
Long time ago i din BUY CLOTHESS WIF MY BABESS !!
aarrgghh ...
Sorry yea ...
